For over twenty five years W.D.S. has supplied our customers with the right dredging equipment no matter the dredging job. We own many dredges and boosters both new and used and are committed to matching the right dredge and support equipment with the job. We are not partial to a single manufacturer. We understand that no single dredge manufacturer can supply the right equipment for every job. Our goal is to make sure the customer has the right dredge for their job. After all, your success is our success.
Dredge Sales is our primary focus, but we also offer Boosters, HDPE & Steel Pipe, Fusing Services, Pumps & Pump Parts, Cutter Heads, Cutter Drives, Cutter Edges, Dredge Hydraulic Solutions and many more new manufacturer specific parts.
We are here to service anyone from sand and gravel mining operations to environmental contract dredging clients. Cutter suction or hydraulic dredges is our specialty. We also have a wide range of horizontal cutter head or auger dredges available. Give us a call, if we can’t help you, we will certainly steer you in the right direction.
Call us first, we’ll save you money!
(Many listings are not posted on the site, call for more info.)